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English inВ Dialogues. 137 Questions and Answers About Cars and Driving for ESL Learners
Artsun Akopyan

The illustrated tutorial “English in Dialogues: 137 Questions and Answers About Cars and Driving for ESL Learners” is for learners of English as a second language. This book presents 137 interconnected mini-dialogues about automobiles, traffic and travel that include numerous word combinations used by native English speakers in real life. Use it to improve your active vocabulary by learning new English words and common expressions related to the topic of cars and transport.

English inВ Dialogues

137 Questions and Answers About Cars and Driving for ESL Learners

Artsun Akopyan

© Artsun Akopyan, 2020

ISBNВ 978-5-0050-7012-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


This book presents 137 interconnected mini-dialogues that include numerous word combinations used by native English speakers in everyday conversations. Learn how to call or flag down a taxi, how to book a taxi on your smartphone, how to speak with a taxi driver, how to rent a car, how to use car controls, and how to start and drive an automatic, manual or electric car – all in English.

The book is for learners ofВ English as aВ foreign language (EFL) / English as aВ second language (ESL).

All ofВ the images used inВ this book are released under the Pixabay License / Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.

About the Author

Artsun Akopyan is aВ writer and freelance translator based inВ Russia. He worked at aВ high school teaching Russian and at aВ university teaching English. His publications include books for English language learners, short stories and novels, translations ofВ fiction and nonfiction books from English into Russian.

How toВ take aВ taxi

A: How can IВ get toВ the airport?

B: Take aВ cab.

(cab = taxi / taxicab)

A: How can IВ take aВ cab?

B: You can call aВ cab or order one online.

(online = on the Internet)

A: How can I take a taxi if I don’t have a phone?

B: You can flag aВ taxicab down or hail one inВ the street.

A: How do IВ flag down aВ cab?

B: Wave your arm toВ the drivers!

A: How do IВ hail aВ cab?

B: Stand on the curb of a street and raise your arm. Don’t wave your arm!

A: How do IВ call aВ taxi?

B: Find aВ taxi company inВ your phone book and dial their phone number.

How toВ speak with aВ dispatch operator

A: Hello!Can IВ get aВ taxi toВ the airport?

B: Yes, youВ can.

B: Where are you located?

A: IВ am at Grand Hotel.

B: What’s the address?

A: 11В Central Park.

B: What is your phone number?

A: My phone number is 123-11-11.

B: What is your destination?

A: The airport.

B: Do you have any luggage?

A: Yes, just one suitcase.

(luggage = baggage)

B: What time would you like toВ be pickedВ up?

A: As soon as possible.

A: When will the taxi arrive?

B: Your taxi will arrive inВ 5В minutes.

A: What is the fare?

B: The flat fee toВ the airport is 65В dollars.

(flat fee / flat rate / flat fee rate = fixed price)

A: Are there any tollstoВ pay along the way toВ the airport?

B: Yes, they are included inВ the fare.

(road toll = aВ fee for use ofВ certain roads)

How toВ book aВ taxi on the Internet

A: How can IВ order aВ taxi on my smartphone?

B: First, download and install aВ taxi application.

A: Where can IВ download it from on my iPhone?

B: Use the App Store.

A: Where can IВ download it from on my Android device?

B: Use the Google Play Store.

A: How can IВ order aВ cab using the application?

B: Create an account and follow onscreen instructions.

A: What must IВ do toВ create an account?

B: Type inВ your name, email address, and phone number, and create aВ password.

A: How can IВ pay for aВ cab ordered on the Internet?

B: You can pay online or inВ cash when the cab arrives.

How toВ speak with aВ taxi driver

A: Is this taxi free?

B: Yes. GetВ in!

B: WhereВ to?

A: The railway station.

(Where to? = Where are you heading? / Where are you going?)

A: How much will the ride cost?

B: Ten toВ fifteen dollars. The meter calculates the fare.

(meter = taximeter / taxicab meter)

A: What does the price dependВ on?

B: The distance and time ofВ the trip.

A: Do you accept cash or credit cards?

B: IВ accept both.

A: How long will it take toВ get toВ the station?

B: Twenty toВ thirty minutes depending on the traffic.

B: Are you inВ aВ hurry?

A: Yes, I am. Let’s go!

B: I’ll take the quickest route.Could you buckle up, please?

A: Sure.

(buckle up = fasten your seat belt)

A: (some time later) Why have we stopped?

B: We’ve arrived at your destination. This is the drop-off location.

A: How much do IВ oweВ you?

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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